Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Good Day Today, Big Day Tomorrow

October 11, 2011 11:15pm

As I sit to write this post, I think it is very apropos to describe the situation to which I am looking.....

I see a beaming father holding his delicate daughter in this strong arms; arms will guide and protect her for many years to come. If there was a ever a million-dollar smile, then it is now! This room cannot contain his joy, love and hope for his baby girl!

Tonight Seth and I both will have held Morgan for 30 minutes. What a special, special treat it is hold our five-week daughter in our arms, for only the second time! Time has stood still. These moments are treasures that Seth and I will carry in our hearts for the rest of our lives. These "kangaroo care" moments are beneficial to both Morgan and her parent's well-being and soul. We hope to continue this type of care for the days and weeks to come.

Morgan has settled in at UAB and has had a great day. The nitric oxide seems to be helping her lungs. She is still on the conventional ventilator and they have been able to monitor and wean her settings down. She also resumed feedings and it is tolerating it pretty well. Praise, Praise.

Tomorrow is a BIG BIG day for Morgan. She will have a PDA heart ligation tomorrow mid-day. This is one of reasons we moved to UAB. As we have mentioned, there was always a possibility that Morgan would need to the PDA surgically closed. This is a routine and fairly low risk surgery. The procedure will be done bedside. The actual procedure will only take 20 minutes. We expect the surgery to take place around 1pm. Please, please pray for Morgan, the surgeons and all those who will be assisting with this procedure tomorrow. If you read this before the surgery tomorrow, please also pray that Morgan will remain stable enough to tolerate and have the procedure performed. Seth and I are not worried about this surgery and know it is the very first step to getting her lungs completely healed. We are confident in the doctors and Morgan. Seth and I are so thankful that we will able to begin the process of solving the heart issue.

Once surgery is over, Morgan will have a two to three day recovery period. Please begin to pray for her body as she moves into that phase.

We promise to keep you updated. Thank you for your prayers for our daughter! She has captured us and we know she will capture you, too!

Elizabeth and Seth McCoin


  1. SO glad to hear the move to UAB went smoothly! Will be praying for the doctors, Morgan, and y'all at 1 today!!
