Monday, February 27, 2012

Work Out Day

Monday, February 27, 2012   9:30pm
Our little miracle baby has had a very busy day!   She is such a happy and relaxed baby most of the time.  She also had a several work outs today!

It is important walk the fine line that prompts Morgan to move forward, yet does not cause her to go backwards.  The doctor is proud of Morgan's progress in the last few days and is making adjustments to encourage to keep going.  We know these adjustments will benefit Morgan.

She continues to well on her oxygen dependency. She is holding her course. Ultimately, she needs to wean down further. Please pray for strength in those little lungs and for their life. I love to picture Jesus the breathing the breath of life into them! 

Morgan has been working hard today!  She has been visited by the physical therapist, who gave her a "massage".  The speech therapist came to work on her eating and sucking.  She also relaxed to the music therapist who sang her to sleep.  Each of the therapists has a gift and Morgan loves each one for a different reason.  Morgan's muscles motored, her taste buds blossomed, and her ears were elated.

Seth and I are pleased with Morgan's progress since her stint on the C-PAP last Wednesday.  We are prayerful that she will continue to get better. We are anxious to get her home, but we are patient .... well, sort of! 

Thank you for all your support!  Please continue to pray for her lungs, against infections, and for those taking care of her. 

As we left tonight, Morgan was sitting up in her chair watching the mobile.  As we kissed her good night and said our good-byes, Morgan's arms waved up and down as if to tell us bye-bye and good night!  That little pistol always has something up her sleeves, and it is not just her arms!

Elizabeth and Seth McCoin

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