Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Wiggle Worm

Wednesday, December 28, 2011  9:30pm

Morgan has had an uneventful day!  She rested well and was very content. 

The team did not want to change too much in regards to her feedings until after the swallow study that will be preformed tomorrow morning.  Seth and I are prayerful the study will reveal what is necessary to give the doctors a plan and, ultimately, help Morgan feedings to improve.

While Morgan is still petite, it is very obvious that Morgan is growing.  She is gaining weight and beginning to look bigger.  I seem to notice it most when we are changing her clothes.  She is getting rolls on her thighs.... the very, cute, baby rolls!

Today I witnessed Morgan rolling around.  While we have seen her scoot around in her bed, we have never seen her make an effort to roll.  Today I placed her back in her crib on her back.  After a few seconds, I noticed that she was rolling to her left.  I guess that little wiggle worm wanted lay on her side. Instead of crying to get what she wanted, she just did it herself!

Recently we got a peak at her lung x-ray.  We have been told numerous times that the lungs heal very very slowly.  We had wanted to see the comparison from last month to this month.  We were able to see a very slight improvement!  Seth and I were thrilled!  Any improvement is a giant leap for her lungs.  We knew her lungs had improved some, due to her progression to the nasal cannula, but we had not seen it, physically, until night before last.

Please pray that the swallow study will be informative tomorrow.  We also continue to pray for her overall healing, growth, and development.  We pray her feedings go well and her dependency on the oxygen continues to decrease.  Please pray for her care team, as well.

Many thanks for all your prayers, love, and support!  We are grateful!

Elizabeth and Seth McCoin

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