Thursday, May 10, 2012

Lights, Camera, Action!

Thursday, May 10, 2012  10:45pm

Today, we have good news, bad news and, hopefully, more good news.  So, first, the good news...(drum roll)...WE HAVE A MOVIE STAR!  Okay, okay, she was featured for 3 seconds, but it's her first role and she nailed it!  Her role was "Super Cute Baby #1," which plays a stunningly cute baby in a swing...she was perfect.  (Mr. Spielberg, please read through the rest of these updates to find Morgan's email address and feel free to contact her, directly...or me, her agent.)

UAB Medicine put together a short movie to tell a quick story about how wonderful the nurses are and the hearts the job requires to work in the NICU, day in and day out.  We encourage all of you to follow this link, not only to see our little movie star, but to look inside and see how amazing these people are as they live their life of service.  Follow the link here (pay attention at the 2:28 mark!):

Now, as one of Morgan's nurses put it, "The YouTube stardom must have gone to her head with all the diva drama today."  Morgan found herself back on the C-PAP around lunchtime.  Her oxygen dependency increased, she was tight in her chest and lungs and she was noticeably putting forth great effort to take each breath.  The decision was to place Morgan back on the C-PAP for precautionary purposes.  The machine is on very low settings and only there "just in case" we need to kick it up a notch.  She is resting well on the C-PAP and not fighting the machine's much needed aid.  It looks like she just needed a break.  The good news is that we are hopeful that she will be off of the C-PAP tomorrow morning and maybe before all of you have read this update.

Thanks to all of your for your prayers and thank you to all of the wonderful nurses in NICU's everywhere...especially UAB and St. Vincent's, where you are so dear to our hearts.

Seth and Elizabeth McCoin

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